
Observation & Reflection

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Enough With Dogmas & Absolutes –
Just Observations & Reflections


While all the world sees itself compelled to play us day in, day out in a constant stream of supposed facts, pseudo-scientific findings and self-truths, a coach therfore should take a step back at this point and look at his most excellent qualities and most of all eat “his own dog food”: observation and reflection.

In contrast to all that omniscience out there, of course these are extremely subjective – they are my own thoughts, but they serve more for discussion and as an invitation to dialogue instead of passing on supposedly essential findings and knowledge. All too quickly we allow ourselves to make judgments and evaluations with regard to many things in our daily lives and, of course, in our work. As a consequence, I observe an astonishing degree of unconscious “non-self-awareness” that significantly influences our actions and creates reality.


So Why Is Reflection So Important Now?

As far as I know we live a “VUCA World” in which there is most of the times simply no “right & wrong”or simply “true or false”. This gives a completely new meaning to personal discussion based on feedback, observations and self-knowledge. It will be the essential factor for success in the future – creating awareness through reflection – only then there will be personal growth and success!

In this section I want to dedicated my attetion to mixed topics that I encounter in my daily work as a coach, mentor and advisor. Of course no secrets of companies or persons are revealed here, but rather my thoughts and observations are abstracted and elaborated. Above all I hope that you enjoy reading this content as much as I do writing and thinking about it and of course I am always available for a dialogue.


So Here Is What We Got


Here Is What My Clients Say

One upon a time you are lucky to be picked as coachee – by a great coach. After experiencing some of Christian techniques in bigger groups, I directly jumped into the coaching journey and never regretted a minute of it. Christian inspired me to look at challenges from different angles and after his coaching sessions I usually had a plan to continue with new energy. You probably had this experience as well: coming out of a session and knowing what to put focus on. Thanks a lot for your time invested into me. 🙂
Kirsten Sons
Senior Director Projects & Programs at adidas AG
Christian is a highly motivated individual, diligent with attention to detail, skilled in modern ways of coaching and change management, who creates a very strong motivation across individuals and teams. Competent, friendly and approachable, he will be a great asset to any organization.
Marius Lückemeyer
CDO MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group
Christian´s impact on every single individual and thus entire companies cannot be valued high enough. His passion to inspire and empower people is outstanding. You have to experience Christian´s stunning visualization skills and if you are lucky you will receive an original ‘Naundorf’.
Birgit Schmidt
Customer Retention Product Manager at REDBLUE Marketing GmbH
Christian is an excellent listener, is present and can convey his solutions enthusiastically. He engages intensively with theoretical approaches and can apply them profitably in the context of the problem. His many own experiences help to tackle topics properly. Through his empathy he reaches his audience immediately.
Dietmar Boehlke
Head of Legal at CGI Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
Christian’s humane yet professional guidance of all Leadership collaboration was critical to organizational focus, and ongoing tracking of all topics. His positive presence and guidance was always critical to the communication and progress of meetings, and Christian always went out of his way to offer help to any individual needing his individual attention. Christian is a masterful business problem-solver, who starts with people and communication. I hope I have the opportunity to work with him again in future.
David King
Department Lead User Experience at MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group
It is a pleasure to discuss (agile) leadership topics with Christian. Out of the box thinking and openness in discussion have led us to insights which I would not have gotten by own reflection only. Even only an hour of discussion is a boost like a day’s vacation away from daily work and thoughts.
Renato Batistic
Lead Product Owner Multichannel Experience at MediaMarktSaturn Germany

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